State Senate | District 24

On the Issues

Analise Ortiz strongly supports increased funding for our public school system and increasing teacher pay. Because she believes children are our most valuable resource, Analise will fight for making the investments necessary so that every child in public school realizes their full potential.

Fix the Housing Crisis
Analise understands the housing crisis and its negative impacts on the community. Because of a low supply of housing and inflation, housing costs have increased leaving many families without housing options. Analise will continue bringing common sense solutions to drive down the cost of housing until it is affordable for all.

Creating Jobs & Economic Growth
Analise recognizes the key to Arizona’s economy are small business owners who drive job creation and prosperity. She’ll fight to make sure there is equity and a level playing field for all.
“A Leader We Can Trust On The Issues That Matter Most To Us!”
State Senate | District 24
Paid for by Arizona Multihousing Association. Not authorized by any candidate.